Echoes of Mary – a Celebration
So many have said they’re hoping to attend Echoes of Mary that we’ve hired a hall for that quaintly named event the Funeral Tea.
No. not the Drill Hall where Mary and Karen Tovell ran those famous storytelling workshops; nor the London Welsh Centre scene of some notable performances by Mary and, of course, home of the London Welsh Chorale the source of so much happy singing for us both under the direction of Kenneth Bowen.
We’ve been fortunate in securing the Portico at 23a Knights Hill, Norwood, London SE27 0HS, just a few minutes walk from the Crematorium. It has a nice big main hall with a piano and pa system.
This means we’ll be able to continue with singing and stories and sharing memories of Mary . And there will be tea and cakes and there will certainly be something sparkling as well.
I’ll be posting the webcast details next week.
But, meanwhile as a reminder, the first part of Echoes of Mary will be at the West Norwood Crematorium, Norwood Rd, Norwood, London SE27 9JU on Tuesday 12th July starting at 2.30 pm.
July 2nd, 2022 at 1:34 pm
Mary deserves a celebration and we wish Paul and all her relatives and friends strength in friendship and good memoriesDel & Pippa
July 2nd, 2022 at 1:36 pm
Fabulous photo of Fabulous Mary.
July 2nd, 2022 at 2:08 pm
Echoes of mary sounds fabulous and wish i could be there – but i can only be there in spirit. Blessings on you
July 4th, 2022 at 2:35 am
I was so sad to hear of Marys’ passing we have had a wonderful communication through story over time celebrating, sharing across 12,000 miles. I am pleased our friend Meg in Brisbane was able to meet and share story and then pass all the news onto me in New Zealand.
Echoes of Mary sounds just right and what a lovely photo.May you all find strength in the days ahead.
A great loss to storytelling.
bob un cam, cer mala’n
Lesley Dowding NZ