Mary Medlicott, Storyteller and Author - Storyworks

Echoes of Mary ring on

Dear readers and followers of Mary’s blog,

Photos can fade while memories stay bright. This photo of our wedding day in warm Pembrokeshire sun is 45 years old today. They say that anniversaries are the hardest times. But they also focus the memories and that was an entirely wonderful day. As I’m finding, the echoes of my dear Mary ring on. Next week, on Sunday 4th, we’ll be putting on our eighth Raising Cash for CRISIS concert at the Omnibus Theatre in Clapham. It will include a video of Mary’s reading of A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas.

Until then…

With love abiding.

One Response to “Echoes of Mary ring on”

  1. Fiona Says:

    Dear Paul
    Please can you give the details of how to contribute to Crisis in Mary’s memory.
    Thank you for continuing the support you and Mary have given to Crisis over the years.
    Lots of love

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